Monday, May 23, 2011

May Love...

So much hair...

Chillin in the grass!

Love her baby blues!


Crawling in the grass! She is starting to not mind this now! She, for awhile, did not enjoy this!

I love this one of her!

This is her ET pose! She loves pointing and will usually say some jibberish when pointing!


Is it just me or has May just flown by!? Guess they say, that is what happens when you are having fun and enjoying life!

As of this past Thursday, Gabrielle is done with preschool for the year. She will be attending the same place next year in the afternoon class, 4 days a week! We will be having play dates and such with her friends from school!

Avery, she is still as sweet as can be! She is such a great little girl! She will be turning 1 on the 10th of July and Gabrielle will turn 5. Avery now has her 2 top teeth and her 2 bottom teeth. We are working with her on the walking (she walks holding onto things and will stand for a few seconds by herself!), eating table food, holding her own bottle, and sleeping through the night. Can not complain she only wakes up once, drink a bottle and goes back to sleep.

I have attached a few videos and pictures for you to all enjoy!

Lots of love!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


As Mother's Day approaches us this weekend, I think of how thrilled I am to be the mother of 2 healthy little girls. They have taught me so much about life and love, and they do not even know it. They are everything to me and the reason I stay home everyday to ever miss anything with them. Which some days can be pretty overwhelming! Whoever said being a stay at home mom was easy and full of bon bons and watching TV------has never been a stay at home mom before. It is more like cleaning, meal preparing, playing, laundry, daily tasks, and the list gos on and on. I am still very honored to be able to stay home though and would not trade it for anything!

To all Moms, Happy Mother's Day because you deserve it and you are the one who keeps the house together and strong!

I also wanted to share some family/girls pictures we had taken about a month ago. To me as most of you all know, pictures mean a A LOT to me and I have many of them in my house. I never want to regret the day where I did not do a family picture because of my insecurities because I do not want it to be to late. (After all that the Thovson family has been through I think they can all understand where I am coming from.) So to me it is important and Jake gets it when I do some explaining! (He is great! Love him tons too! He is my best friend and my amazing husband for almost 6 years!) And the lady who took them could not help herself and needed to get some of our pretty girls!!! She was so amazed by all of our SUPER blue eyes!!!

As you can tell, I am feeling a little mushy today! Not sure where this is all coming from. I am just so thankful for everything right now, even on my hard days.

Enjoy the pictures and have a great weekend!