Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Avery is now crawling. She is just learning and still getting the hang of it. But set her down on the floor and if she wants something she will will be to it before you know it! So much fun watching her learn new things! And she is also waving bye bye! So cute!

Crawling Videos!

Friday, February 11, 2011

7 Months Old

Our little girl is now 7 Months old!!!! She is growing up so fast! Her 2 teeth are SLOWLY coming in. They seem to not cause her pain, so far at least! Gabrielle always did really well when her teeth were coming in, so hope Avery is the same! She has been happy and healthy. Loves playing with her toys, laughing at and with her BIG SISTER and just being a happy and cute little girl. We are so blessed with 2 beautiful girls who we love tons.

We are very excited for the HEAT wave that is heading our way. No more -20, bring on the 30's and maybe low 40's for this next week. This is going to be great. Spring will be here soon!

Otherwise everything is going great in the Thovson household. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just a little something

Jake spiked her hair after a bath one day!

All dressed up!

Look Mom!


Just a little update!

We have received 9 (or more) inches of snow in the last few days! I has been just great! Or not! Sorry the Thovson family is very sick of snow! Ready for the nicer/Spring weather to come in the next months! Avery is getting her 1st tooth in and almost crawling! She sure gets around rooms without crawling yet. She pushes herself back ward! Gabrielle is still Gabrielle! She is not liking having pictures taken lately! That is why they are always of Avery! Must be the 4 going on 14 year old mood that Gabrielle is going through! Love my girls and of course my great husband!