Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas has come and gone!

Waiting to open next....

Tag Reading system

One of her Presents

Eating away on Christmas Morning

Playing with her monkey she got

After Bath time

Meeting Santa for the 1st time for both!

What a great Christmas we had! Hope you all had a great one too!

On Thursday night, we drove to Canby for the Giese Christmas. It was a busy night Friday night with all the family out at Lori's house! It was fun though and, of course, great food! Gabrielle got a Nintendo DS, some games for it, clothes, Barbie house, Barbies, Tag reading system and some others I am sure I am forgetting! Avery got some clothes and a lot of toys! It was a great time had by all! Santa found us at Lori's house so that was nice too!

Then on Saturday we came home and unpacked everything! Settled back into the house. Then Sunday we went over to Jim and Linda's house. Celebrated Christmas and, of course, ate MORE!!!

We are continuing to pray for my Grandma Gudvangen as we have found the cancer has spread. She is having a couple more procedures done and will be doing chemo from my understanding.

Laughing at sister

Not so sure about this cereal stuff!

Not sure where she got these moves from!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Preschool Christmas Program and such!

Love this pic of her!

So Big!

Waiting at the Christmas Program!


Miss Poser!

Playing music for Jesus!

Singing for Jesus

Dancing for Jesus

Today was Gabrielle's Christmas program at the preschool she goes to. They all did such a great job singing and doing the actions to some of the songs! It was so much fun to watch. So proud of Gabrielle and what a great kid she is! Love her! Today was their last day of school until the 4th of Jan. Nice break for everyone, especially the teachers I am sure!

Everyone in the house is recovering from colds and such. What fun it is! House was never sick (except a sinus infection here and there for Jake and I) and now Gabrielle started school and the germs are flying! Fun fun! I am already counting down the months till the snow is melting. I know a few days to go still, but have to be positive about this weather somehow!

We made a nice visit to my Grandma Gudvangens house and The Hanson's also. Gabrielle got a kiddie snowmobile for Christmas along with some other goodies. Pretty sure she is SPOILED.....a 4 wheeler and snowmobile in the same year...yep that equals spoiled for sure! Nice seeing my Grandma G, Mom, and sister Kelly and her family. Been awhile since we had seen each other. Need to get together more. Darn 5 hour drive kinda puts a downer on the drive in the winter months.

Please Pray and keep my Grandma Gudvangen in your thoughts as she was just diagnosed with cancer. We will know more in the weeks to come.

Hoping everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (safe one that is!).

Friday, December 3, 2010

December is here!

Wow I just can not believe 3 weeks till Christmas! This year just flew by! Getting the last Christmas presents bought and checking with Santa to see how good Gabrielle and Avery have been! See if presents are in their future! Just kidding- they are great kids! Love them to pieces!

Gabrielle is getting over some kind of sickness she had. Throwing up a couple times, but seems to be on the road to being better! Thanks to Grandma Linda who watched her, cleaned up after her, and snuggled here till we got home. Thanks!!!

Avery is doing great, like always! Finally over her cold and so is everyone else! She is a great baby!